God TV to air Angus Buchan men's conference

While many men stereotypically don’t go to church, wash dishes or attend conferences more than 200,000 are expected to attend what has been called one of the biggest-ever men’s events.

Men from all over South Africa are responding in unprecedented numbers to Angus Buchan’s bold challenge to see their nation transformed by the power of God.

Angus is a farmer turned evangelist who exhorts people to trust God for the impossible, drawing on his personal experience of the miraculous. The author of the book, ‘Faith Like Potatoes’, now also a movie, says he has seen God intervene in his life many times. Angus says his farm was once saved from a raging bushfire by his family’s fervent prayers for rain; that he has seen a farm worker raised from the dead, after she was struck by lightning, and that God has come through for him with a miracle crop of potatoes in the face of the severest drought.

Today he is devoted to nation building, devoting his time to encouraging men to fulfil their destiny, foster closer family relationships and build a stronger nation.

He has previously filled many of South Africa’s sports stadiums for his citywide crusades and last year’s Mighty Men conference attracted 60,000 men. More than triple that figure is expected to converge on his farm this year for Mighty Men 2009 and GOD TV will further broadcast four of its live sessions between 24 and 27 April.

In addition to the emphasis on national transformation, GOD TV’s four-day series of exclusive broadcasts from Mighty Men 2009 will feature Angus challenging men to rise above the challenges they face through faith and believe God for the miraculous.

“When I pick up a potato it reminds me of a plain, simple, real faith that will sustain us in our every day lives,” he says. ‘That’s the kind of faith I want to have, because when we have faith and act on it, God will come through for us."

“Last year tens of thousands of men had their spirits set on fire by the passion of a humble farmer,” said GOD TV CEO, Rory Alec. “Now GOD TV is privileged to extend this opportunity to men across the globe. So I encourage every husband, father and son to tune in for ‘Mighty Men 2009’ and be challenged to go deeper with God and 'walk the talk' of their faith.”

Mighty Men 2009 can be watched on GOD EUROPE (SKY 581 / Virgin 279) on Friday 24 April at 20.30; Saturday 25 April at 14.30 and 19.30; on Sunday 26 April at 18.00; and on Monday 27 April at 20.30 (BST). The programmes can also be viewed online at www.god.tv/stream and will also be made available for video on demand viewing later at www.god.tv/god

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